Channel: How can the government be so Cruel!
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How can the government be so Cruel!


This is a prime example of how our government is failing our children that need help. When they are suffering from a life threatening illness.

My name is Eco Wade I am the mother of an 7 year old terminally ill daughter, that is battling a rare disease called Mixed Connective Tissue Disease. Mixed Connective Tissue Disease is an overlap of three diseases. Lupus (blood) Scleraderma (skin) Polymyoitis (muscle) My daughter was diagnosed with this disease, back in 2011. In April of 2013 she was given approximately 5 years left to live because the disease kept progressing. As her mother I couldn't let that be our last option. In August of 2013, we moved here to Houston to come to Texas Children's Hospital to receive a second opinion. Since we have came to Houston she is getting the care that she deserves and greatly needs. Neveah is down from 20 medicines a day to only 3-4 medicines daily depending on her pain tolerance. Our obstacle at hand is that Social Security keeps denying her saying that her disease is not life-threatening. I beg to differ. It has been times where my daughter has been hospitalized and I thought that she might not make it through the night. One of her infusions that she receives is approximately 40,000 a treatment or 6,000 a gram of medicine, so how is her disease not life threatening. Her monthly chemo is over 1500 a month alone. It's sad that someone that doesn't have a life threatening disease such as this can receive Social Security at the drop of a dime versus someone who is deserving of this. I worked since I was 17 years old to put into my social security for them to keep denying my daughter who actually deserves it. I cannot work due to the fact that she needs 24 hour care and she has to be approved for someone to get involved. What is this world coming to. Please take a stand for me and my daughter. We have a petition on change.org Social Security Administration approve Neveah Wade's disability she currently has over 28,000 signatures. Please help my family before it is too late.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qrItBOUMkAY

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